
Furulunden BlodbolleforĂŠning Win Ratio

Team LogoFeil i "SELECT COUNT(tmr1.Score) AS nom, AVG(SIGN(CAST(tmr1.Score AS Unsigned)-CAST(tmr2.Score AS Unsigned)))/2.0+0.5 AS wr FROM TEAM_MATCH_REPORT tmr1, TEAM_MATCH_REPORT tmr2, MATCH_REPORT mr WHERE tmr1.Team_Id=123 AND tmr1.Match_Report_Id=mr.Id AND tmr2.Match_Report_Id=mr.Id AND NOT(tmr2.Team_Id=123) AND mr.Status='Played'": BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in 'cast(`krokodille`.`tmr1`.`Score` as unsigned) - cast(`krokodille`.`tmr2`.`Score` as unsigned)'
 Number of MatchesWin Ratio
Total Win Ratio0 %


Feil i "SELECT YEAR(mr.Date) AS Year, COUNT(tmr1.Score) AS nom, AVG(SIGN(CAST(tmr1.Score AS Unsigned)-CAST(tmr2.Score AS Unsigned)))/2.0+0.5 AS wr FROM TEAM_MATCH_REPORT tmr1, TEAM_MATCH_REPORT tmr2, MATCH_REPORT mr WHERE tmr1.Team_Id=123 AND tmr1.Match_Report_Id=mr.Id AND tmr2.Match_Report_Id=mr.Id AND NOT(tmr2.Team_Id=123) AND mr.Status='Played' GROUP BY Year ORDER BY Year DESC": BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in 'cast(`krokodille`.`tmr1`.`Score` as unsigned) - cast(`krokodille`.`tmr2`.`Score` as unsigned)'
YearNumber of MatchesWin Ratio


Feil i "SELECT AS TId, tur.Name, AVG(SIGN(CAST(tmr1.Score AS Unsigned)-CAST(tmr2.Score AS Unsigned)))/2.0+0.5 AS wr, COUNT(tmr1.Team_Id) AS nom FROM TEAM_MATCH_REPORT tmr1, TEAM_MATCH_REPORT tmr2, MATCH_REPORT mr, TEAM t2, ROUND ro, TOURNAMENT tur WHERE tmr1.Team_Id=123 AND tmr1.Match_Report_Id=mr.Id AND tmr2.Match_Report_Id=mr.Id AND tmr2.Team_Id=t2.Id AND NOT(t2.Id=123) AND AND ro.Tournament_Id=tur.Id AND mr.Status='Played' GROUP BY ORDER BY wr DESC, nom DESC": BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in 'cast(`krokodille`.`tmr1`.`Score` as unsigned) - cast(`krokodille`.`tmr2`.`Score` as unsigned)'
TournamentNumber of MatchesWin Ratio

Team Value

Feil i "SELECT AVG(SIGN(CAST(tmr1.Score AS Unsigned)-CAST(tmr2.Score AS Unsigned)))/2.0+0.5 AS wr, COUNT(tmr1.Team_Id) AS nom, SIGN(ROUND((IFNULL((SELECT sqTmr1.Team_Rating FROM TEAM_MATCH_REPORT sqTmr1, MATCH_REPORT sqMr WHERE sqMr.DateValue differenceNumber of MatchesWin Ratio
Feil i "SELECT AVG(SIGN(CAST(tmr1.Score AS Unsigned)-CAST(tmr2.Score AS Unsigned)))/2.0+0.5 AS wr, COUNT(tmr1.Team_Id) AS nom, CAST((IFNULL((SELECT sqTmr1.Team_Rating FROM TEAM_MATCH_REPORT sqTmr1, MATCH_REPORT sqMr WHERE sqMr.DateValue differenceNumber of MatchesWin Ratio

Opponent Races

Feil i "SELECT AS RId, r.Race_Name, r.Def_Small_Logo, AVG(SIGN(CAST(tmr1.Score AS Unsigned)-CAST(tmr2.Score AS Unsigned)))/2.0+0.5 AS wr, COUNT(tmr1.Team_Id) AS nom FROM TEAM_MATCH_REPORT tmr1, TEAM_MATCH_REPORT tmr2, MATCH_REPORT mr, RACE r, TEAM t2 WHERE tmr1.Team_Id=123 AND tmr1.Match_Report_Id=mr.Id AND tmr2.Match_Report_Id=mr.Id AND tmr2.Team_Id=t2.Id AND t2.Race_Id=r.Id AND NOT(t2.Id=123) AND mr.Status='Played' GROUP BY r.Id ORDER BY wr DESC, nom DESC": BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in 'cast(`krokodille`.`tmr1`.`Score` as unsigned) - cast(`krokodille`.`tmr2`.`Score` as unsigned)'
RaceNumber of MatchesWin Ratio

Opponent Teams

Feil i "SELECT t2.Id, t2.Name, t2.Small_Logo, r.Def_Small_Logo, AVG(SIGN(CAST(tmr1.Score AS Unsigned)-CAST(tmr2.Score AS Unsigned)))/2.0 + 0.5 AS wr, COUNT(tmr1.Team_Id) AS nom FROM TEAM_MATCH_REPORT tmr1, TEAM_MATCH_REPORT tmr2, MATCH_REPORT mr, TEAM t2, RACE r WHERE tmr1.Team_Id=123 AND tmr1.Match_Report_Id=mr.Id AND tmr2.Match_Report_Id=mr.Id AND tmr2.Team_Id=t2.Id AND NOT(t2.Id=123) AND t2.Race_Id = AND mr.Status='Played' GROUP BY t2.Id ORDER BY wr DESC, nom DESC": BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in 'cast(`krokodille`.`tmr1`.`Score` as unsigned) - cast(`krokodille`.`tmr2`.`Score` as unsigned)'
TeamNumber of MatchesWin Ratio

Average Win Ratio (Ten Matches)